Berry Delicious

Berry Delicious

Fresh, colorful berries at your local supermarket or farmer’s market are a sure sign that summer is here.  Some sweet, others tart, berries are a delicious and nutritious treat and can be eaten whole, served fresh, frozen or in baked goods. Berries are available all year from a variety of sources, though most are considered summer fruits.

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Steamy Vegetables

Steamy Vegetables

Whether served raw or cooked, vegetables are excellent sources of vital nutrients for our bodies to function properly. Each vegetable provides something different so, as with any food, its a good idea to have variety to gain the maximum nutritional benefits as well as experience the many flavors and textures out there.

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Herbs on the Chopping Block

Herbs on the Chopping Block

Fresh herbs are an easy, aromatic way to add flavor to your meals without adding fat and calories. The amount of chopping required depends on the dish you are cooking. Some dishes require flavor without diminishing the overall appearance of the dish, such as when cooking fish, chicken or meat, so finely chopped herbs work best.

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Summer Vegetables

Summer Vegetables

Summer is almost here and summer vegetables are beginning to arrive in your local supermarkets, specialty markets and farmer’s markets. Experts recommend consuming 5 servings* a day of fruits and vegetables to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Summer veggies are not only nutritious and delicious, they’ll help you look and feel your best by providing vitamin C, potassium, lutein, folate, iron, fiber, and essential hydration. Try one or more of these summer veggies today:

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Summer Fruits

Summer Fruits
Summer is just around the corner and summer fruits are beginning to arrive in your local supermarkets, specialty markets and farmer’s markets. Experts recommend consuming 5 servings* a day of fruits and vegetables to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
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The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

The Health Benefits of Cinnamon

The cinnamon you put in your French toast or sprinkle in your beverage at your favorite coffee shop is not only a popular spice, it was once considered as valuable as a precious metal and has medicinal properties dating back to early civilizations.

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Are you at Risk?

Are you at Risk?

Are you at risk for the leading cause of death? I know I am! In fact, we’re all at risk, but we can do something about it – right now.

If not you, someone you love will be affected by one or more of the leading causes of death in our nation soon. The #1 killer is heart disease, which is preventable, even if you already have risk factors, followed by cancer, stroke, respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes which are also preventable by taking some action. Protect yourself and the people you love right now by taking some action.

What are the Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease you can’t control?

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How to Eat Well With Rising Food Costs

Food is fuel for our bodies to survive, so just like your car needs fuel to go, you need to eat. It’s what you eat, however, that makes a difference. Eating well means eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc, which are often more expensive than packaged foods with tons of preservatives, salt, sugar, and things we can’t easily pronounce. They aren’t good for us but seem too good to pass up when we’re in a hurry to get food on the table for our families.

Historically, when food prices rise, people eat less and weigh less, but when food prices go down, many people will gain weight, which may explain the rise in obesity because food prices were so much lower from 1978 through the 1990’s. Unfortunately, the prices of junk foods are falling while the prices of complex carbohydrate foods which provide energy and help us maintain our weight are climbing.

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Why Lose Weight?

Why Lose Weight?

By making a few changes to be more active, eliminate stress, and eat healthier, we can work at reducing the 3 biggest risk factors for heart disease which are obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol and give ourselves the chance to live longer, healthier, more active lives.

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Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet

Diabetes is a growing problem worldwide, so researchers continue to look for lifestyle behaviors that can be changed in order to prevent or reverse this trend. More and more, experts are devoting attention to the Mediterranean diet. Since the 1960’s it has been noted that people living in the Mediterranean have had food habits which can clearly be linked to good health because they consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, and olive oil with minimal amounts of animal products.

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The Benefits of Acupuncture

The Benefits of Acupuncture
Whenever people ask me what I do to combat stress, the first thing that comes to mind is acupuncture. Stress can be caused by just about anything from being worried about something, not having enough time to get everything done, rushing around and over-taxing your system or anything that troubles you enough to affect your moods, sleep, concentration and overall well-being.
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Everyday Chores that Burn Calories

Hard work really counts, especially when counting the calories you’ve burned off! Everyday household chores and yard work often use major muscle groups which build strength and endurance. Do the work yourself and not only will you look and feel your best, you might even save a few bucks.
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Spring Fruits and Veggies

Spring is finally here! So are the wonderfully sweet and juicy spring fruits, such as: Apricots, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Casaba Melon, Cherries, Currants, Figs, Nectarines, Papayas, Pineapples, Raspberries, Rhubarb, and Strawberries. Your whole family will enjoy these fruits and you’ll feel good about providing great nutrition and a delicious snack fresh, cooked, or in your favorite dish.
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